This surgical procedure consists of the total or partial removal of the SUBMAXILAR GLAND, depending on the type of disease.

The submaxillary gland is singular on each side of the neck. It is found below the jaw and towards its lateral portion. Its function is to produce saliva, which helps in chewing, swallowing and speech.

The incision for the submaxillectomy is transversal and made below the jaw. On average, it has a length of 3-5 cm, but may vary in each case.

This procedure is performed under general anesthesia. It is always necessary to leave a drainage tube for 2-5 days to avoid the accumulation of postoperative fluids. The procedure is ambulatory in most cases, and depending on the type of technique used the stitches will not need removal.

If your cancer is benign, such as sialadenitis (inflammation), sialolithiasis (stones), the procedure is aimed at preventing the growth and periodic inflammation of the gland. If your cancer is malignant, the procedure aims to eradicate all possible foci of cancer and prevent it from spreading to other places in the neck and body and causing death.

Dr Alvaro Sanabria